The Interbank Clearing and Settlement Subsystem (CEL)

Attends to the electronic clearing and settlement of payment instruments in national currency (checks and payment orders), and with transactions processed through the electronic payment networks and the Mozambique Stock Exchange. It is managed by the BM and comprises financial institutions. (Notice No. 2/GBM/2019, of March 1).

The Real-Time Wholesale Transfer Settlement Subsystem (MTR)

Attends to real-time funds transfers, issued by commercial banks and processed by the operation, through settlement accounts held at the BM. (Notice No. 4/GBM/2019, of March 8).

MTR Participation Requirements

a) Be an institution authorized to operate in Mozambique, in accordance with applicable law;
b) Hold a settlement account at the BM;
c) Have a technological infrastructure for carrying out operations, as per established procedures;
d) Have adequate solvency and liquidity requirements.

The Electronic Funds Transfer Subsystem (STF)

Attends to transfers of state funds, processed by the operation, through accounts held at the BM. (Notice No. 6/GSM/2004, of October 28).

Single National Electronic Payments Network

Exclusive and nationwide technological solution used by credit institutions and financial companies to manage electronic transactions, managed by a Single Network Operator, the Mozambique Interbank Company (Sociedade Interbancária de Moçambique, S. A. (SIMO).

Banking Services

The BM provides banking services to its customers (state and credit institutions), guarantees the deposit and withdrawal of amounts, transfers and payment orders, receipt and valuation of banknotes unsuitable for circulation, among other services.