Financial Inclusion and Stability Committee
The Financial Inclusion and Stability Committee is a consultation and advisory body to the BM's Board of Directors, aimed at steering the operations of the central bank towards promoting financial system stability, as well as financial inclusion.
The Financial Inclusion and Stability Committee is composed as follows:
- Chairman: Governor of the Banco de Moçambique;
- Vice-Chairman: Board Member for Financial Stability;
- Member: Director of the Macroprudential Analysis Department;
- Member: Director of the Foreign Exchange Licensing and Control Department;
- Member: Director of the Markets and Reserves Management Department;
- Member: Director of the Regulation and Licensing Department;
- Member: Director of the Banking Services and Payment Services Department;
- Member: Director of the Banking Conduct Supervision Department;
- Member: Director of the Prudential Supervision Department;
- Member: Director of the Financial Inclusion Office.
This body shall convene ordinarily once a quarter and extraordinarily whenever convened by the Chairman.